Connecting the dots

We've been working very hard this year. The seed that was planted years ago has been growing underground and we are now starting to see the first leaves pop out. After Smalltalks 2013 we had the chance to stop the ball, have an overview and open to wider perspectives. After some time, we got back to daily work and thought about the current situation and the next steps. We opened this blog to let people know about both the progress of this project and the ideas around it. Now that the year is gone, we'd like to share some overview and vision of the future. We have lot's of stuff going on here and many things almost working that need a last push to get integrated. You know, that 1% boring stuff. We now have this small kernel working with libraries which is the base of the system. We also have a jitter, a garbage collector, and a starting point of a debugger all of them written in Smalltalk , but none of them is plugged yet. So we are asking ourselves, what do we do next,...